Adam Lee Colin McPherson Creative Courses easdale photography scotland

Creatively re-set your photography with Colin and Adam

Relax, unwind and be creative on our unique photography courses on Easdale island, a place like no other.

For the last eight years, professional photographers Colin McPherson and Adam Lee have welcomed participants on to two distinctive and rewarding residential courses which are unlike any others you will find in this country. The courses give you the opportunity to visit our island, enjoy stunning scenery, comfortable accommodation and delicious home-cooked food, whilst working with us creatively to enhance your photography skills.

If you would love to take your photography to a new level, we will help you explore what makes a great image and how to take one. Our aim is to share our knowledge and experience with you, to spark your creativity and to give you the confidence to test new ways of seeing and making photographs.

On Assignment
24 – 27 August 2024
28 – 31 August 2024

Creative Courses Dance Katrine McPherson scotland

Screendance in the landscape with Katrina McPherson

This course offers participants an amazing opportunity to work with Katrina McPherson, one of the most celebrated and innovative contemporary artists who uses dance and film to create outstanding and acclaimed bodies of work. This intensive, hands-on course will allow participants to learn directly from Katrina taking as their inspiration the work she has produced over a 30-year career.

Participant portfolio

Jill Jennings

Jill Jennings is a professional photographer based in the north west of England. She joined us on the course as she wanted to get away and work on something creative which was not rooted in her commercial practice. Over the two days, she produced this lyrical and poetic piece. Here she explains the thinking and […]

Participant portfolio

Sue MacDougall

We were delighted to welcome back Sue MacDougall to Easdale island last year. Sue had been one of our participants on our original course back in 2016 and in the meantime had been developing her practice, which is mainly built around beautiful landscapes taken around Argyll, where she lives. For the Develop your Narrative course, […]

Participant portfolio

Kevin Holmes

We welcomed Kevin Holmes, a keen amateur photographer from Yorkshire, to our Develop your Narrative course in summer 2019, and he produced a body of work which had us thinking and reflecting about things beyond photography. Kevin brought with him his Buddhist beliefs, and made work around many of the key themes, ideas – and […]